Coverage for _build/src/powerprofilesctl: 82%
218 statements
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3import argparse
4import os
5import signal
6import subprocess
7import sys
8from gi.repository import Gio, GLib
10PP_NAME = "org.freedesktop.UPower.PowerProfiles"
11PP_PATH = "/org/freedesktop/UPower/PowerProfiles"
12PP_IFACE = "org.freedesktop.UPower.PowerProfiles"
13PROPERTIES_IFACE = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties"
16def get_proxy():
17 bus = Gio.bus_get_sync(Gio.BusType.SYSTEM, None)
18 return Gio.DBusProxy.new_sync(
19 bus, Gio.DBusProxyFlags.NONE, None, PP_NAME, PP_PATH, PROPERTIES_IFACE, None
20 )
23def command(func):
24 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
25 try:
26 func(*args, **kwargs)
27 except GLib.Error as error:
28 sys.stderr.write(
29 f"Failed to communicate with power-profiles-daemon: {error}\n"
30 )
31 sys.exit(1)
32 except ValueError as error:
33 sys.stderr.write(f"Error: {error}\n")
34 sys.exit(1)
36 return wrapper
40def _version(_args):
41 client_version = "0.30"
42 try:
43 proxy = get_proxy()
44 daemon_ver = proxy.Get("(ss)", PP_IFACE, "Version")
45 except GLib.Error:
46 daemon_ver = "unknown"
47 print(f"client: {client_version}\ndaemon: {daemon_ver}")
51def _set_profile(args):
52 proxy = get_proxy()
53 proxy.Set(
54 "(ssv)", PP_IFACE, "ActiveProfile", GLib.Variant.new_string(args.profile[0])
55 )
59def _get(_args):
60 proxy = get_proxy()
61 profile = proxy.Get("(ss)", PP_IFACE, "ActiveProfile")
62 print(profile)
66def _set_battery_aware(args):
67 enable = args.enable
68 disable = args.disable
69 if enable is False and disable is True:
70 raise ValueError("enable or disable is required")
71 if enable is True and disable is False:
72 raise ValueError("can't set both enable and disable")
73 enable = enable if enable is not None else not disable
74 proxy = get_proxy()
75 proxy.Set("(ssv)", PP_IFACE, "BatteryAware", GLib.Variant.new_boolean(enable))
78def get_profiles_property(prop):
79 proxy = get_proxy()
80 return proxy.Get("(ss)", PP_IFACE, prop)
83def get_profile_choices():
84 try:
85 return [profile["Profile"] for profile in get_profiles_property("Profiles")]
86 except GLib.Error:
87 return []
91def _list(_args):
92 profiles = get_profiles_property("Profiles")
93 reason = get_proxy().Get("(ss)", PP_IFACE, "PerformanceDegraded")
94 degraded = reason != ""
95 active = get_proxy().Get("(ss)", PP_IFACE, "ActiveProfile")
97 index = 0
98 for profile in reversed(profiles):
99 if index > 0:
100 print("")
101 marker = "*" if profile["Profile"] == active else " "
102 print(f'{marker} {profile["Profile"]}:')
103 for driver in ["CpuDriver", "PlatformDriver"]:
104 if driver not in profile:
105 continue
106 value = profile[driver]
107 print(f" {driver}:\t{value}")
108 if profile["Profile"] == "performance":
109 print(" Degraded: ", f"yes ({reason})" if degraded else "no")
110 index += 1
114def _list_holds(_args):
115 holds = get_profiles_property("ActiveProfileHolds")
117 index = 0
118 for hold in holds:
119 if index > 0:
120 print("")
121 print("Hold:")
122 print(" Profile: ", hold["Profile"])
123 print(" Application ID: ", hold["ApplicationId"])
124 print(" Reason: ", hold["Reason"])
125 index += 1
129def _launch(args):
130 reason = args.reason
131 profile = args.profile
132 appid = args.appid
133 if not args.arguments:
134 raise ValueError("No command to launch")
135 if not args.appid:
136 appid = args.arguments[0]
137 if not profile:
138 profile = "performance"
139 if not reason:
140 reason = f"Running {args.appid}"
141 ret = 0
142 bus = Gio.bus_get_sync(Gio.BusType.SYSTEM, None)
143 proxy = Gio.DBusProxy.new_sync(
144 bus, Gio.DBusProxyFlags.NONE, None, PP_NAME, PP_PATH, PP_IFACE, None
145 )
146 cookie = proxy.HoldProfile("(sss)", profile, reason, appid)
148 # print (f'Got {cookie} for {profile} hold')
149 with subprocess.Popen(args.arguments) as launched_app:
150 # Redirect the same signal to the child
151 def receive_signal(signum, _stack):
152 launched_app.send_signal(signum)
154 redirected_signals = [
155 signal.SIGTERM,
156 signal.SIGINT,
157 signal.SIGABRT,
158 ]
160 for sig in redirected_signals:
161 signal.signal(sig, receive_signal)
163 try:
164 launched_app.wait()
165 ret = launched_app.returncode
166 except KeyboardInterrupt:
167 ret = launched_app.returncode
169 for sig in redirected_signals:
170 signal.signal(sig, signal.SIG_DFL)
172 proxy.ReleaseProfile("(u)", cookie)
174 if ret < 0:
175 # Use standard POSIX signal exit code.
176 os.kill(os.getpid(), -ret)
177 return
179 sys.exit(ret)
183def _query_battery_aware(_args):
184 result = get_profiles_property("BatteryAware")
185 print(f"Dynamic changes from charger and battery events: {result}")
189def _list_actions(_args):
190 actions = get_profiles_property("ActionsInfo")
191 for action in actions:
192 for key in action:
193 print(f"{key}: {action[key]}")
194 if action != actions[-1]:
195 print("")
199def _configure_action(args):
200 action = args.action[0]
201 enable = args.enable
202 disable = args.disable
203 if enable is False and disable is True:
204 raise argparse.ArgumentError(
205 argument="action", message="enable or disable is required"
206 )
207 if enable is True and disable is False:
208 raise argparse.ArgumentError(
209 argument="action", message="can't set both enable and disable"
210 )
211 print(f"action: {action}, enable: {enable}")
212 bus = Gio.bus_get_sync(Gio.BusType.SYSTEM, None)
213 proxy = Gio.DBusProxy.new_sync(
214 bus, Gio.DBusProxyFlags.NONE, None, PP_NAME, PP_PATH, PP_IFACE, None
215 )
216 proxy.SetActionEnabled("(sb)", action, enable)
219def get_parser():
220 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
221 epilog="Use “powerprofilesctl COMMAND --help” to get detailed help for individual commands",
222 )
223 subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help="Individual command help", dest="command")
224 parser_list = subparsers.add_parser("list", help="List available power profiles")
225 parser_list.set_defaults(func=_list)
226 parser_list_holds = subparsers.add_parser(
227 "list-holds", help="List current power profile holds"
228 )
229 parser_list_holds.set_defaults(func=_list_holds)
230 parser_list_actions = subparsers.add_parser(
231 "list-actions", help="List available power profile actions"
232 )
233 parser_list_actions.set_defaults(func=_list_actions)
234 parser_get = subparsers.add_parser(
235 "get", help="Print the currently active power profile"
236 )
237 parser_get.set_defaults(func=_get)
238 parser_set = subparsers.add_parser(
239 "set", help="Set the currently active power profile"
240 )
241 parser_set.add_argument(
242 "profile",
243 nargs=1,
244 help="Profile to use for set command",
245 choices=get_profile_choices(),
246 )
247 parser_set.set_defaults(func=_set_profile)
248 parser_set_action = subparsers.add_parser(
249 "configure-action", help="Configure the action to be taken for the profile"
250 )
251 parser_set_action.add_argument(
252 "action",
253 nargs=1,
254 help="action to change for configure-action",
255 )
256 parser_set_action.add_argument(
257 "--enable",
258 action="store_true",
259 help="enable action",
260 )
261 parser_set_action.add_argument(
262 "--disable",
263 action="store_false",
264 help="disable action",
265 )
266 parser_set_action.set_defaults(func=_configure_action)
267 parser_set_battery_aware = subparsers.add_parser(
268 "configure-battery-aware",
269 help="Turn on or off dynamic changes from battery level or power adapter",
270 )
271 parser_set_battery_aware.add_argument(
272 "--enable",
273 action="store_true",
274 help="enable battery aware",
275 )
276 parser_set_battery_aware.add_argument(
277 "--disable",
278 action="store_false",
279 help="disable battery aware",
280 )
281 parser_set_battery_aware.set_defaults(func=_set_battery_aware)
282 parser_query_battery_aware = subparsers.add_parser(
283 "query-battery-aware",
284 help="Query if dynamic changes from battery level or power adapter are enabled",
285 )
286 parser_query_battery_aware.set_defaults(func=_query_battery_aware)
287 parser_launch = subparsers.add_parser(
288 "launch",
289 help="Launch a command while holding a power profile",
290 description="Launch the command while holding a power profile, "
291 "either performance, or power-saver. By default, the profile hold "
292 "is for the performance profile, but it might not be available on "
293 "all systems. See the list command for a list of available profiles.",
294 )
295 parser_launch.add_argument(
296 "arguments",
297 nargs="*",
298 help="Command to launch",
299 )
300 parser_launch.add_argument(
301 "--profile", "-p", required=False, help="Profile to use for launch command"
302 )
303 parser_launch.add_argument(
304 "--reason", "-r", required=False, help="Reason to use for launch command"
305 )
306 parser_launch.add_argument(
307 "--appid", "-i", required=False, help="AppId to use for launch command"
308 )
309 parser_launch.set_defaults(func=_launch)
310 parser_version = subparsers.add_parser(
311 "version", help="Print version information and exit"
312 )
313 parser_version.set_defaults(func=_version)
315 if not os.getenv("PPD_COMPLETIONS_GENERATION"):
316 return parser
318 try:
319 import shtab # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
321 shtab.add_argument_to(parser, ["--print-completion"]) # magic!
322 except ImportError:
323 pass
325 return parser
328def check_unknown_args(args, unknown_args, cmd):
329 if cmd != "launch":
330 return False
332 for idx, unknown_arg in enumerate(unknown_args):
333 arg = args[idx]
334 if arg == cmd:
335 return True
336 if unknown_arg == arg:
337 return False
339 return True
342def main():
343 parser = get_parser()
344 args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()
345 # default behavior is to run list if no command is given
346 if not args.command:
347 args.func = _list
349 if check_unknown_args(sys.argv[1:], unknown, args.command):
350 args.arguments += unknown
351 unknown = []
353 if unknown:
354 msg = argparse._("unrecognized arguments: %s")
355 parser.error(msg % " ".join(unknown))
357 args.func(args)
360if __name__ == "__main__":
361 main()